For pool owners with sand filters, it is vital to change your filter sand every five years. The sand contained in your filter strains impurities from the water as the water passes through the sand. Over time, the sand begins to work less effectively and needs to be changed.

Why does sand need to be changed?
On average, you should replace your sand every five years. It could last longer if the pool stays clear or shorter if the filter runs consistently. Over time, the jagged edges of the filter sand wear down and become smooth. When this happens, the sand can no longer trap debris particles, and dirt can pass through the sand and back into the pool. Also, as sand ages, it can start to clump. Because of this, water flow can form channels in the sand, allowing debris to pass through. Old sand can cause cloudy and dirty pool water. New sand will help to make your water clean and clear.
How do I change my sand?
Remove the Multiport Valve on the top of your filter.
Turn off the pool pump.
Turn the drain cap at the bottom of the tank a half a turn counter-clockwise. Then remove the cap completely to drain the water out of the tank.
Disconnect the waste hose that is attached to the "waste" line coming off the Multiport Valve.
Take off the Multiport Valve flange that holds the filter onto the tank.
Gently lift the valve off the pipe inside the tank.
Tape the top of the pipe to prevent sand from entering and clogging the laterals.
Remove sand carefully until you can see the tops of the laterals at the bottom of the tank. Using a shop vac is the easiest and fastest option for removal.
Gently remove the pipe and lateral assembly out of the rest of the sand and rotate the lateral up to the top of the pipe to be lifted out.
Wash out the tank with a garden hose.
Replace the drain cap securely.
Fill the tank about half full with water to cushion when the sand is poured in to protect laterals.
Replace pipe and lateral assembly back inside the tank.
Pour new sand carefully into the sand filter. The amount you add will depend on your filter.
Level the sand as you pour.
Remove tape from the top of the pipe and slip the Multiport control valve onto the central pipe.
Tighten multiport valve flange.
With the pump still off, turn the multiport valve handle to the backwash position.
Prime and turn on the pool pump.
Run the pump for 2 minutes after you have a steady flow of water out the waste line to flush all the impurities or fine sand particles out of the sand media.
Turn the pump off and turn the valve handle to rinse.
Turn the pump back on and run until the water in the sight glass is clear.
Turn the pool pump off and turn the valve handle to filter.
Turn the pool pump on. This is the normal operating mode for your filter.
Of course, it is possible to change your filter sand on your own. Keep in mind that you can also schedule for our crew to come out and complete your sand change for you!

Are there alternatives to sand?
Glass media replaces the silica sand that would typically go in your filter. It is designed to provide you with clear, clean, and healthy water. It gives ultra-fine filtration to clearer water and creates 300 times more surface area for superior filtration down to 4-5 microns. It also has negatively charged filter media for cleaner water and attracts bacteria like a magnet. Activate also has a self-sterilizing surface for healthier water. It prevents bacteria and algae by inhibiting reproduction. The best part about glass media is that it lasts the filter's life and doesn't need to be replaced every five years. You can read more about activate in our recent blog linked below!