An extended check list for you to refer to when closing your in-ground swimming pool. This of course varies from pool to pool. This is a brief check list it does not list out all steps required for certain task. Please be sure to read instructions and follow manufacture procedures when closing your pool.

Clean the pool…
Wipe down waterline
Net debris off the surface of pool
Backwash and rinse
Clean out all baskets
Test and treat the water…
Metal & stain control
Remove deck equipment and fittings…
Handrails and ladders
Volleyball and basketball
Return jet fittings (return eye, return ring, wall fitting)
Suction/vac line wall fitting
Toys and rafts
Safety ropes
Chlorine floaters
Pool lights…
(in some pools - customer preference)
Turn your pool light around to prevent from ice building up pressure behind the light
Automatic Pool Covers
Completely shut
Put cover pump on
Flip the lead bar (top track cover - wheels facing up)
Mesh & Solid Anchor Covers
Unscrew anchors high enough to attach the cover
Make sure facing the right direction
Put cover pump on (solid covers)
Water Tube Covers
Fill the water tubes 3/4 full (allow room for expansion from freezing)
Put cover on and pull tight
Place tubes on edges of cover (fold under if extra material)
Make sure there’s no spaces between tubes
Put cover pump on
Snap Cover
Line up clips almost perfectly before snapping in place
Put cover pump on
The system…
Varies from pool to pool. Follow manufacture procedures.
Turn off heater, pool and put multi-port valve on winterize (if the pool has one)
Remove all required plugs in filter, pump, heater, chlorinator, auxiliary pumps and any additional components
Remove all skimmer and pump baskets
Sand filters; remove sight glass, pressure gauge and backwash hose
Chlorinators; remove tablets and remove chlorinator if it’s off line (store for the winter)
Cartridge and DE filters; remove grids and cartridges and clean (store in dry place for the winter)
Winterize the lines…
Blowout returns, skimmers, main drains, fountains, slide lines and waterfalls
Seal lines with gizmos and plugs
Add anti-freeze to necessary lines
Check for air bubbles and air leaks, tighten if so
Finishing up…
Store away plugs, filter components, escutcheons, return fittings, pump and skimmer baskets in a dry location that you will remember come spring
Store away any removed equipment and remaining chemicals in dry storage area