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Spa Maintenance

Writer's picture: Gabby PuglieseGabby Pugliese

Want to keep your spa water clean and healthy for the fall and winter seasons? This is a fairly easy task if you follow our weekly maintenance recommendations. Your maintenance routine will depend on whether you use bromine or chlorine as your sanitizer. Below is the weekly routine for both types!

Chlorine Spa

  • Add 1/2 ounce of Leisure Time Spa56 for every 500 gallons of spa water (before each use): Spa56 is a fast-dissolving chlorine granular that is virtually neutral in pH and therefore doesn't upset water balance.

  • Add 2 ounces of Leisure Time Defender for every 250 gallons of spa water: Defender prevents stain and scale from forming on surfaces.

  • Add 1 ounce of Leisure Time Enzyme for every 250 gallons of spa water: Enzyme naturally removes oils, lotion and organics from your spa using natural enzyme power.

Bromine Spa

  • Add 1 Leisure Time Bromine Tablet for every 100 gallons of spa water: Bromine is a concentrated source of active bromine and dissolves evenly in spa feeders and floaters.

  • Add 2 ounces of Leisure Time Renew for every 250 gallons of spa water: Renew activates bromide solution to work as a shock oxidizer that destroys contaminants.

  • Add 2 ounces of Leisure Time Defender for every 250 gallons of spa water: Defender prevents stain and scale from forming on surfaces.

  • Add 1 ounce of Leisure Time Enzyme for every 250 gallons of spa water: Enzyme naturally removes oils, lotion and organics from your spa using natural enzyme power.

Always remember to get your spa water professionally tested at least once per week to check pH, total alkalinity, chlorine, and TDS levels. We offer free water testing at Angie's, so bring us a sample and we can tell you what chemicals you need down to the ounce!

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