Working out in the water is great exercise for a few reasons: 1) Water provides added resistance which is great for both strength-building and cardio exercises, and 2) It's low-impact, which is great for your joints. Here are a few exercises to try next time you go for a swim!
1. Jogging
This first one is pretty self-explanatory...jog laps in the shallow end of your pool! The added resistance which the water provides is great for burning calories faster than if you were running outside or on the treadmill.
2. Frog Jumps
Start with you heels together and toes apart, then squat slighty. Jump as high as you can and land in the position in which you started. To up your cardio, jump up and down as fast as you can, without rest, to failure.
3. Noodle Bike
Start by straddling the noodle, then peddle your legs as if you were riding a bike. Do this in circles around the perimeter of your pool.
1. Tricep Dips
Start in waist-deep water with your back facing the edge of the pool. Put the palms of your hands on the edge of the pool, then bend and extend your elbows for a tricep workout.
2. Push-ups
Start in waist-deep water with your front facing the edge of the pool. Place your hands on the edge of the pool, and bend your knees to a ninety-degree angle behind your body. Bend and extend your arms and repeat.
3. Noodle Press Down
Start in chest-deep water with your arms shoulder-width apart and a noodle in your hands. Press the noodle down to the tops of your thighs, and resist the water on your way back up.
1. Flutter Kick
Start in waist-deep water with your front facing the edge of the pool. Grip the edge of the pool with both hands. Lay flat on top of the water and alternately kick your legs as if you were swimming.
2. Squat Jumps
Start in waist-deep water with your feet at a slight outward angle, with your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Squat down, and jump out of the water for added resistance.
3. One-Legged Balance
Start in waist-deep water with your legs shoulder-width apart. Raise your right leg to ninety-degrees and place a noodle underneath your foot. Engage your core to remain in this position for one minute. Repeat on your left side. For an added challenge, you may also straighten your lifted leg and place the noodle under your ankle.
1. Cross Knees to Elbows
Standing in waist-deep water, reach your right elbow to your left knee so that they meet in the center of your body. Repeat this on the other side and continue to alternate to strengthen your obliques.
2.Noodle Crunch
With a noodle under your upper back and arms, lay back in the water. Bring your knees and to your chest using your abdominal muscles and repeat.
3. Spiderman
Start in waist-deep water with your front facing the edge of the pool. Begin to walk your feet up and down the pool wall like Spiderman.